
We are very happy that SAT.1 Bayern visited us recently to produce a short documentary about our work in the field of quantum sensing and -computing. The film piece can be found here.

Category: Allgemein

Today, Alexander Gnahm started as a new technician at our institute. Alexander is a bio-technician by training and has experience with clean-room facilities in an pharmaceutical and industrial environments. At our institute he will be responsible for our chemical lab and clean room. We're glad to ha...

Category: Allgemein

Last week, the professors Roland Nagy, Rainer Tietze and Regine Schneider-Stock presented their contributions for the Qubis project to the guests from the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research). Afterwards a lab tour to the new labs of AquT. was organized and the quantum sensing and -comp...

Category: Allgemein

We have updated the description of the lectures and seminars provided by our institute. If you're a student at FAU and interested in the topic of quantum technologies, feel free to check them out!

Category: Allgemein

We are happy to contribute to the ARCHIMEDES-Project. In ARCHIMEDES, components, models, and methodologies to increase the efficiency and lifetime of the propulsion components, power components, and energy storage devices in automotive, aviation, and industry will be developed. We are looking forwar...

Category: Allgemein

We're currently looking for PhD-students. If you're interested to work in the field of color-center based quantum technologies for your PhD, feel free to contact us! The job posting can be found here.

Category: Allgemein

We were very happy that Cristian Bonato from Heriot Watt University (Edinburgh) visited our group. Besides intense discussions about his research on color and vanadium centers in SiC, as well as machine-learning approaches for sensing with NV-centers, we enjoyed typical Frankonian food in Erlangen. ...

Category: Allgemein

We are currently looking for highly motivated postdocs and technicians. If you're interested: Feel free to contact us!

Category: Allgemein

Recently the university president Prof. Joachim Hornegger visited our chair. We discussed our research and showed him our Quantum Computing Laboratories. Prof. Hornegger took the time to talk with all members of the chair and was very interested in our efforts to realize SiC based quantum computers ...

Category: Allgemein

Christmas is coming! Last Thursday, we visited the historical Christmas Market of Erlangen and had some mulled wine and Feuerzangenbowle.

Category: Allgemein